I got my first suit, made to measure, from PSI at my age of 7 years when I started riding a Mini bike for Malminibike Academy of Masaryk Circle Brno.
I insisted on luminescent green colour of the suit that hexed me on my first sight at the pattern palette.
In two years I got a new suit from my grandmother and my grandfather that was also green and I differed from the most of riders with that colour.
This year 2017 I became a member of the Brno Circuit JRT Team, I changed to Honda NSF 100 and I got a new, whole-leather suit in colours of the Brno Circuit. In the lumbar area there is always my sign KUBA.
I aware that the suit is my “second skin“ and it saved me many times. If I need any modifications or repairs, PSI always meets my wish. The suit must “fit” very well to be fully concentrated on the riding a motorbike.